Both Wing Chun and Lung Ying seek to bridge the guard and control opponents. Lung Ying takes it a step further by breaking the guard in one continuous, powerful movement.

咏春 and Ling Ying each feature a specific form that deals with making contact. The common element is that both include the term Kil, which is to bridge, close the gap, or connect with an opponent’s guard. In both cases rotation is used, but for different purposes. One uses it to avoid clashing head on with force, the other uses it to not only provide the option to ‘roll off’ incoming power, but to also multiply the attacking power.

Finding the bridge

Wing Chun’s Chum Kil form includes a technique to contact the ‘bridge’ (your opponent’s guard). It appears in the form as a 180-degree outward pivot movement. Applied to fighting, the leading arm slices across the guard to make contact, combined with pivoting footwork or a side-step, before making a counter attack. It is performed in a flowing, two-step motion. Contact and then strike. Learn more about this in our Finding the Bridge article and video.

Breaking the bridge

Lung Ying’s Lung Ying Mor Kil form includes two techniques to bridge and break through your opponent’s guard. A forearm strike Boi Gim with rotation outward from the waist and a hammer-fist strike Cau Pat with rotation inward from the waist. They appear in the early part of the form, combined with fast, forward stepping.

Applied to fighting these attacks occur in one flowing action. They use powerful stepping that leans forward into an attack, simultaneously throwing a short, circular attack backed up by the stance and a waist pivot that adds torque to the forward force.

The Boi Gim can be used to break through a guard and hit the target in one movement. Rotational in nature, it can also follow an opponent if an evasive step is attempted, all combined with the power of the base and waist pivot. Unlike in Wing Chun, there is no need to body pivot and realign a centerline attack. It just follows through and can quickly be reversed into an inward-rotating Cau Pat hammerfist if needed.

Defensively, this movement also has options. The waist pivot can quickly redirect or ‘roll off’ a stronger incoming force, with no stepping required. This makes it incredibly efficient in moving from defence to offence. Going beyond the waist pivot, the Lung Ying stance can also release pressure by moving the back leg and allowing the body to rotate.


Whether attacking or defending, Lung Ying Mor Kil offers some highly efficient techniques that are backed up by powerful stances. The circular strikes can simultaneously break guards on the way to their target, or quickly revert to defensive manoeuvring.


Article: Written by R Zandbergs. Created from Barry Pang’s seminars.
Video: Filmed and edited by R Zandbergs
Main photo: Barry demonstrating with Scott Peterson (2021)
