According to legend, Ng Mui developed her kung fu some 300 years ago in 18th century China, at a time when fighting skills were at a premium. As a Buddhist nun at the Southern Shaolin Temple, she developed both 咏春 and 龙形 (Dragon Shape) Kung Fu, amongst other styles. Developing Lung Ying was her lifetime pursuit. She created Wing Chun as a lean, efficient style that could be relatively quickly learnt.
Both styles exhibit similar characteristics as practical, close-range fighting arts. Our goal is to develop Ng Mui Kung Fu and train well-rounded practitioners so that we can preserve these arts and build a martial arts community that moves beyond style boundaries.
Training & characteristics
Our core style Wing Chun was designed to allow relatively fast adoption, whereas the more complex Lung Ying tests the limits of coordination and power optimisation through it’s extensive set of forms. Both favour in-close techniques with the intent to control an opponent and finish the encounter quickly. Both have sophisticated partner training exercises to develop hand-sensitivity, coordination and power.
We teach applied kung fu that is pressure-tested for effectiveness. We also seek to preserve centuries-old practical techniques that were designed and refined over many generations. As a result, our students develop self-defence capabilities including:
- Protected striking – Intercepting or covering the opponent’s guard whilst striking directly and fast. Includes fast close-range centreline striking and circular attacks.
- Low kicking – Attacking groin, knee and shin (and equivalent defensive kicks).
- Defence against grappling – Apply stance stability and supple hands to destabilise opponents seeking to grab or hold, countering with strikes and locks.
- Defence against stronger opponents – Redirect their energy by utilising stance and pivot training (Never head-on force against force).
- Defence against multiple opponents – Diminish numeric advantage through position and footwork (and by remaining on feet i.e. not ground-fighting or grabbing a single opponent).
- Defence against kicking – Starve “kicking styles” of opportunities to kick by rapidly closing the distance and engaging their hands.
Our history & philosophy
Our kung fu has been developing since our school opened in 1974. It is built on Wing Chun foundations and is extended by Lung Ying. To this day, we continue to refine and improve our martial arts practice.
The two masters that Barry learnt from are as follows.
- Our Wing Chun is based on the teachings of Wong Shun Leung, a key student of Grandmaster Yip Man. Training was in Hong Kong in the 1970s. Read more in Our History Part 1
- Our Lung Ying is from the teachings of Grandmaster Wu Hua Tai. who learnt his art from Grandmaster Lam Yiu Gwai. Training was in Melbourne in the 1990s, with Wu Sifu specifically looking to transfer skills to a compatible martial arts school. Read more in Our History Part 2
Both masters shared common philosophies on their martial arts that we carry forward:
- A student’s skill can be determined by the quality of their basic techniques
- The hands should be soft and fast, coordinated with lower body strength and mobility
- Effective kung fu is proven against a variety of opponents of different styles
- Never stop learning.