Developing a strong base in martial arts is the key to everything. It’s the primary source of power and mobility whilst freeing up the hands to be relaxed, sensitive and fast. Sifu Barry Pang explains that power through…
Effortlessly controlling an opponent requires the successful application of a contradiction: Being relaxed but strong when the stakes are high. There’s a natural, self-preservation instinct to resist aggression directly. However, resisting leads to an arm wrestle that the…
Opposing a stronger opponent head-on is a sure way to lose an encounter. To make the size problem go away, you need to be able to read and redirect their forces. The challenge is how to develop these…
Developing a strong centreline and quick, powerful chain punching is not enough. To overwhelm in this way may work on opponents of equivalent size. Against larger, skilled opponents, the path to success is not to meet their force…
People who say that Chi Sao can’t be used in sparring are missing the point. It is a training tool that enables the Wing Chun way of fighting, involving sensing and responding to your opponent through feel. Sifu…
Barry discusses the importance of maintaining forward pressure in Chi Sao. Without forward pressure, we provide no resistance against attack. How do we do this without becoming tense, losing our ability to deflect strong opponents? Watch the video.
On our 2013 China Trip, Barry takes the opportunity to casually demonstrate the application of hand sensitivity with students, providing them with impromptu lessons. Unfortunately we cannot hear his instruction in these and the examples are not related…